The long winter's nap is going to be coming to a close sooner than we might expect. At least I certainly hope so. It has been a relatively mild winter, which just makes it more frustrating because it's still too cold to work in the studio. Just not by all that much!
So what to do in the meantime? Well...
I have started a Gift Registry for one thing. Currently it is aimed generally at weddings, but there is no reason to restrict it to that. And it's pretty simple to use both for those giving and receiving gifts. Here is how it works (I'm using the example of a wedding for ease and clarity):
Those wishing to register at Lowell Hill Pottery can download the Lowell Hill Pottery Gift Registry form. The form is in PDF format and can be filled out right on a computer - although the data can not be saved. It can also be printed and filled out by hand.
The completed form is then mailed to Lowell Hill Pottery along with a set-up fee of $30. Techies who wish may print, scan and mail their completed form if they wish and send the set-up fee separately.
Once the form is received, a special web page will be posted with a complete listing of all the items desired. A link to the site will be sent to the contact for the wedding party that can then be sent along to guests, friends and family members.
Anyone navigating to the link will find the complete list and links to the specific products chosen. They can then purchase on the site, by phone or by email. As items are purchased, they will be removed from the party's registry page to avoid duplication.
Every effort will be made to deliver all purchased gifts in time for the event. If an item can not arrive in time, a certificate will be delivered detailing the nature of the gift, who sent it, and when we expect it to arrive.
People wishing to register with Lowell Hill Pottery should do so no less than two months prior to the date of the event. The further ahead the planning, the better able we will be to meet your expectations.